Team Development

Your people are your greatest asset. Invest in them.

AI is revolutionising the business world, automating many tasks performed by employees.

At Evolve3, we believe that, for employees to thrive in this AI-driven landscape, they must enhance their human skills to become more analytical, perceptive and innovative—which, in turn, benefits the company they work for.

Our team-building activities are specifically designed to cultivate these essential skills, making your human team more effective in an AI world.

Why team development matters

63% of leaders agree that team-building activities improve communication amongst employees.

Organisations that promote collaboration and communication are 4.5 times less likely to lose their best employees.

The immediate use or application of information delivered improves its retention by 90%.

35% of workers have experienced a dispute or a difficult relationship with a co-worker.

  • Our team-building activities are deeply rooted in psychology and criminology. These fields provide a range of transferable skills that are beneficial to anyone participating in our activities. To stay competitive against rapidly advancing technology, we all need to enhance our communication, comprehension, understanding, deduction, problem-solving, and critical thinking abilities.

  • Our sessions focus on developing these human traits and behaviours, enabling attendees to excel in their roles. Participants will learn to understand their customers better, as well as how to collaborate more effectively with their colleagues and handle difficult conversations with respect.

  • We provide all materials and facilitate the entire workshop-based session. If your organisation has a venue, we can use it; if not, we will work with you to find a suitable solution. Each session, whether it’s one of our half-day or full-day solutions, has a set minimum price. However, as a social enterprise, we also invite corporate companies to contribute as they feel appropriate. All our profits support subsidised solutions for charities and schools and will exercise your corporate social responsibility commitment and demonstrate your company’s social values.

  • If you want to discover which of our sessions would best suit your employees, please get in touch for more information. Unlike many team-building activities that are sports-based or highly competitive (and which, studies have shown, are inaccessible to many or which alienate up to 50 of attendees), our solutions are fun, engaging, and immersive, with every attendee playing an active role.

Battle of the Barristers

Our ‘Battle of the Barristers’ team activities offer a unique, immersive team development experience. Participants delve into a true crime case, receiving all the evidence that the original jury had at the relevant trial. They are split into defence and prosecution teams, where they collaborate to outline and detail their cases. The teams then come together to debate specific aspects of the crime. The outcome can vary each time; it’s not based on the suspect's guilt but on how effectively teams arrange and debate the evidence.

These sessions are completely unique, and tap into the growing passion for true crime. With the popularity of books and podcasts on human behaviour and criminal psychology, this activity engages participants in a compelling way. Regardless of personality type, everyone is included and kept engaged from beginning to end.

The minimum number of participants for a Battle of the Barristers event is 8, and the maximum, 30, with an ideal team size of 14 to 20. We recommend having two separate rooms for the teams to outline their cases independently; however, if this is not possible, we will work with you to find a suitable solution.

Engage your team in an activity that sharpens their critical thinking, enhances collaboration, and provides a memorable experience. Contact us to schedule your event.

Gamification and Bespoke Team Development

What is ‘gamification’?

We offer bespoke team-building activities, puzzles and game scenarios that are tailored to address specific issues within your organisation. Recognising the growing trend of offline gamification, we transform dry subjects into fun and engaging activities, bringing a gaming element to workplace learning.

Why implement it?

Even MI5 uses games for training their recruits, demonstrating the effectiveness of gamified learning in enhancing information absorption. 70% of 2000 leading companies surveyed globally confirmed that they use gamification in their training and other applications. By making activities fun and immersive, we help embed topics in attendees' minds, enabling them to adapt and apply the information in real-world scenarios.

90% of employees feel gamification makes them more productive. Gamification of a subject increases attendees’ retention of the information being imparted; it improves their focus and mental clarity; it increases collaboration between teams; and it improves morale, as games and puzzles have been proven to be natural stress-relievers.

A 2019 study found that gamification boosted overall productivity in organisations that applied it by over 50%; for example, Dominos and Google. Similarly, the report revealed that job satisfaction increased by 60%. And companies that implement gamification are found to be seven times more profitable than those that do not. Gamification is also appreciated by employees and results in higher retention; 95% of employees say that gamification at the workplace makes them more excited, productive, and brings a desire to do more. 

Gamification supports and encourages human-centred design…exactly what is needed in a world that’s increasingly employing automation. Gamification is not only powerful behind-the-scenes—successful companies are increasingly using games and puzzles at various points in their customer journeys.

The Learning Pyramid, developed by the National Training Laboratories in Bethel, Maine, is a well-known model that illustrates how different teaching methods impact information retention. According to the pyramid:

  • Lecture: 5% retention

  • Reading: 10% retention

  • Audio-Visual: 20% retention

  • Demonstration: 30% retention

  • Discussion Group: 50% retention

  • Practice by Doing: 75% retention

  • Teach Others/Immediate Use: 90% retention

The statistics clearly show that active participation, such as ‘Immediate Application and Practice by Doing’, drastically increases the retention of the information/training being delivered by 90%.

If you’re interested in our gamification services, get in touch to discuss your needs. We’ll work closely with you to understand your needs, spending time within your organisation to tailor our activities effectively. We are also open to collaborating with other training professionals to enhance their programmes through gamification, ensuring that the training delivered is more impactful and memorable and ultimately offers a 90% increase in your clients’ ROI.

Challenging Bias

Coming soon:

A new workshop that explores conscious and unconscious bias across various sectors and roles, and which helps attendees identify and eliminate these attitudes and approaches. This is especially critical in an AI-driven world where we cannot control automated responses. Bias, both conscious and unconscious, is present everywhere, and it’s surprising how many examples go unnoticed. Our workshop will give you strategies to reduce and overcome them; by recognising and addressing biases, you can ensure that your organisation delivers the best possible service when interacting with customers/the public.

Why choose us?

All of our team-building activities, as a social enterprise, help small charities and schools access subsidised training and fundraising solutions. By working with Evolve3, you not only be fulfilling your CSR commitment but also demonstrating your social values. At the same time, you will receive services that will enhance your company's competitiveness—a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Evolve3 CIC had a huge impact on our team. The skills we applied during their Barristers workshop were both varied and numerous, but we didn’t even notice they (or we) were being ‘developed’. We just had an afternoon of fascination and fun.

The team hasn’t stopped talking about it since - we can’t wait to do another one.

~ Lisa Milburn, CFWD



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